Noah is 1 month old on his due date today!

Right on time, he has been awake and looking at things more intently.  Sweet boy has also learned how to manipulate momma and grandma to holding him while he sleeps.

I am thankful for:

My sweet snuggly baby:)

Insurance!  We have gotten some BIG bills!  (Did you know a helicopter ride to Rochester costs $24,000?!)

Noah is nursing better!

Big brothers who have been (mostly) gentle and loving!

Calvin wants mommy to now (instead of insisting on “Grandma do it!”)

Friends who pray and love with food!!  In the last month we have hardly had to cook!


A hymn turned lullabye I have sung to each of my babies is “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus.”

this is the third verse:

I’m so glad I’ve learned to trust You,

	precious Jesus, Savior, friend; 
	and I know that You are with me, 
	will be with me to the end.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him! 
	How I've proved him o'er and o'er! 
	Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus! 
	O for grace to trust him more!

Burp rags are perfect for catching tears.

10359172_10152153132038388_1080927404152818294_n  Noah not happy about his 1 month pictures:)